
Website Design Pricing


Clarify the website’s objectives, such as increasing sales, providing information, or improving brand awareness.


Outline the structure of the website, including main sections and pages

Wireframing and Prototyping

Create basic, low-fidelity sketches of the website layout to define the structure.

Develop interactive models of the website to test functionality and user flow.

Website Design

Focus on designing user interfaces that are intuitive and engaging

Development & Testing

Convert design mockups into functional HTML, CSS, and JavaScript & Test it.

Startup Website

10000 INR / Year
  • 1 Year Domain
  • 1 Year Web Hosting
  • 1 Time Redesign
  • SEO Included - Basic
  • Support included - Basic
  • No Social Media Setup
  • No

E-Commerce Basic

15000 INR / Year
  • 1 Year Domain
  • 1 Year Web Hosting
  • 1 Time Redesign
  • Up to 10 items with Photography
  • SEO Included - Basic
  • Support included - Basic
  • Google Analytics setup
  • Guidance for Social Media Setup

E-Commerce Medium

25000 INR / Year
  • 1 Year Domain
  • 2 Year Web Hosting
  • 2 Time Redesign
  • Up to 25 Items with Photography
  • SEO Included - Medium
  • Call Support
  • Google Analytics Setup
  • Social Media Setup


35000 INR / Year
  • 1 Year Domain
  • 4 Year Web Hosting
  • 2 Time Redesign
  • Up to 40 Items with Photography
  • SEO Included - Medium
  • Call Support 24x7
  • Google Analytics Setup
  • Social Media Setup